Sunday, August 9, 2009

Home Cook Food - Steamed Ikan Kembong

I love eating fish ever since I was a child and I was nicknamed "fish cat" (direct translated from Cantonese) meaning someone who love to eat fish. I remember my beloved grandma would keep the best part of the fish for me when I was small as I was the youngest girl in the family.

I still love to eat fish now and we are lucky because we get to savour different kind of fish meal. At home, I try to cook fish in many different ways as possible instead of just simple fried fish or soy sauce steamed fish.

When I prepare meal at home, I usually have three dishes, one is definitely stir-fried vegetable and the other two ; if one dish is of dried version, i will try to cook the other one with some sauce as my young children get some sauce to go with their rice. I seldom boil soup on weekdays and there are only four persons eating.

This Steamed Ikan Kembong is very simple to cook. The ingredients are of Ikan Kembong (rub with some salt), chopped ginger, garlic, chili, lemon grass and sprinkle on top of the fish.

Some lime (about 10 small limau nipis ) juice seasoned with sugar and salt and diluted with some water then pour onto the fish and steam for about 7 - 10 minutes. Then garnish with spring onion and Chinese celery ( or some thinly sliced daun limau purut/kaffir lime).

Taaaa....da..! Healthy and yummy and no fishy oily kitchen to clean up later.

P/S : All views and opinions expressed here are based on my own personal opinion. Nobody pay or threaten me to say good or bad things about the food I eat!!

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